Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hot Up Here

We're almost at the end of Spencer's first proper t-ball season - the kids have had fun, and finished the regular season in 4th place (out of 12 teams), so I think it was a successful season by any standard.  Of course (of course!) there are the playoffs - they have a quarter-final round tomorrow, followed by semis and, I guess, a World Series, if they win through.

The games are all out in 90+ degrees, I'm hopeful no one collapses of heat stroke.

Meanwhile, these guys hit the parks. This particular playground at a grade school is now fenced off, and will be torn down later this summer. I guess I can understand it kind of - the equipment seems ideal for 3-year-olds, so the grade school kids are probably not too excited on it - but it still seems like a nice big structure that will no doubt be replaced by something safer. Bah! to safety.


I bought pool passes - I'm hoping everyone is good and comfortable in the water by the end of the summer.

And... last night after ice cream (we always seem to get ice cream on swimming pool days!)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Well Begun

We went to the Brookfield Zoo to see the Kratt brothers last weekend - approximately a million small children gathered on the grass to make animal noises together.  The show's theme song is still running through my head.

Of course, we spent some time seeing the zoo afterwards - the kids have been many many times (especially the twins) but it was only my second time at the zoo - and the first time I got to see any of the animals!  Not that they stood still for pictures.

They love the carousel.  It puzzles me a bit, because, as rides go, isn't it kind of, you know, boring?  But obviously not too slow for them.

Back at home, we suited up and played with the neighbors in a splash pool.  And Lizzie practiced her swing... she seems to bat and golf lefty so far, even though she's a righty for most things.  (Teddy's the reverse, actually, in both cases.  But much less driven to hit balls with bats, just at present.)  I hear she won't be eligible for organized t-ball for another two years, which seems a shame.

Spencer came away from the pool and announced "I'm going to bask in the sun!"  Then, a bit later, he told us all "I'm sun-basking!"

Then yesterday we braved the crowds and checked out the public pool. Which wasn't crowded at all. Huh. It was a bit cooler, but the water still felt pretty good. And the pool has a very gradual area where it's great for the little ones; I don't feel like one of the kids about to drown quite as constantly as I usually do.

Finally, hot dogs and ice cream!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Carpe Spring



T-ball is ongoing: the last regular season game is tomorrow afternoon, and the playoffs start Saturday.

And the final week of school: I got a locker shot on the way to chaperone a trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory.

I had a group of kids I was escorting around, and I rounded a corner and found the boys giggling next to this statue.  Ha, sweetie, joke's on you, I'm going to take a picture despite your obvious disgust!  Um, that might be good for a year or two of therapy.  Oops.

And thus ends first grade!  Spencer was recognized in the little end-of-year ceremony for "Being Friendly", which strikes me as exactly right.  When his pediatrician asked if he had problems at school, I mentioned that he had gotten in more frequent trouble recently for talking during class.  She smiled, and wrote down "Doing fine socially."  Provides a little perspective, I guess.

And in the first couple weeks of summer vacation:

First goal in soccer!!!!! (Spencer is the celebratory # 6.)

And more parks:

The monkey bars are definitely Lizzie's thing right now.

"Lizzie you want me to do that??!?  That's crazy!"

"Hah, watch!"


Teddy's occasional reaction to all this park nonsense:

And, just for variety, a little chess.  In how many households can the pre-schoolers play chess (um, sort of) and wave wands yelling "Wingardium Levios-a!" before they've mastered the potty training thing?  (On the potty training thing: progress!  But I don't want to jinx it.  Shhhh!)

More mini golf, on Navy Pier:

And finally, a bit of gardening.  Don't they look thrilled?

Right then.  Consider spring seized.