Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Sure, back-to-school is nice and all.  But what really makes it all exciting are new backpacks!  Specifically, backpacks with licensed characters on them.  (I had to get the twins new ones because their old ones weren't big enough to hold the folders they send home from preschool, and I'm not mean enough to get them new ones but deny big brother.)

And more proof that my sweet girl is part monkey:

Not part monkey, but very sweet:

And some soccer pics - the Red Dragons won decisively, so their record is now 2-1!

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Back to School

August passed in the blink of an eye, with a quick visit from Grandma:

And some fun in the backyard:

And just like that, quicker than I would have believed possible, summer is done and everyone is back to school. 

A mature second-grader:

And two kids in their second year of pre-school!  They were grouped with mostly four-year-olds, which made me a bit nervous, but they don't seem to be having trouble so far.

Plus a new soccer team - the Red Dragons!  Their first game was hugely competitive, tied 2-2, until the other team scored in the last few seconds (in fairness, the Red Dragons were down 3 players, so everyone played the whole game and was exhausted by the end.)  But guess who scored the two goals for our side?!??

And we won the second game 3-2, again the slimmest of margins - Spencer played defence all game, so no goals, but he did a great job.

Finally - a way to kill time waiting for soccer practice to end.