Carpe Spring
T-ball is ongoing: the last regular season game is tomorrow afternoon, and the playoffs start Saturday.
And the final week of school: I got a locker shot on the way to chaperone a trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory.
I had a group of kids I was escorting around, and I rounded a corner and found the boys giggling next to this statue. Ha, sweetie, joke's on you, I'm going to take a picture despite your obvious disgust! Um, that might be good for a year or two of therapy. Oops.
And thus ends first grade! Spencer was recognized in the little end-of-year ceremony for "Being Friendly", which strikes me as exactly right. When his pediatrician asked if he had problems at school, I mentioned that he had gotten in more frequent trouble recently for talking during class. She smiled, and wrote down "Doing fine socially." Provides a little perspective, I guess.
And in the first couple weeks of summer vacation:
First goal in soccer!!!!! (Spencer is the celebratory # 6.)
And more parks:
The monkey bars are definitely Lizzie's thing right now.
"Lizzie you want me to do that??!? That's crazy!"
"Hah, watch!"
Teddy's occasional reaction to all this park nonsense:
And, just for variety, a little chess. In how many households can the pre-schoolers play chess (um, sort of) and wave wands yelling "Wingardium Levios-a!" before they've mastered the potty training thing? (On the potty training thing: progress! But I don't want to jinx it. Shhhh!)
More mini golf, on Navy Pier:
And finally, a bit of gardening. Don't they look thrilled?
Right then. Consider spring seized.
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