Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Not Waterlogged, But a Bit Damp


April was a bit wet in the Chicago area - there were a few days that getting to Costco or Target was somewhat challenging, with all the bridges looking more like lakes.

But that doesn't stop t-ball!

(Ok, technically it does stop the t-ball.  Spencer's team finished their game because it was not-totally-raining until the 4th inning, and they had to finish 5 innings or have to reschedule the whole thing.  But subsequent games were cancelled to give everyone a chance to wring out our clothes before sending the kids out to play in the mud.)

And it was a 24-21 victory, so, you know, worth it in the end.

Teddy and Lizzie hung out under umbrellas and blankets.

There was some sun at some point...

You can fly a kite even on non-windy days, provided you're willing to run really fast.

And, plan Tire-the-Kids-Out worked really well.  Too well.  I left them to unwind while watching a show, and when I checked on them 15 minutes later, there they were.  I had to carry sleeping, grumpy children upstairs, and change them into pajamas, and that's when Lizzie woke back up and insisted she wasn't tired.  Argh.

And eventually the fields dried out enough for t-ball to start up again.  The Condors are doing well so far - Spencer has had a couple home runs and lots of RBIs, and the team is 4-2.

And the twins are enjoying the opportunities to climb things while big brother is playing:

Happy spring!