Monday, August 15, 2011


Summer flew by - various non-vacation photos from June & July:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Powers Lake

In June, we rented a cabin just across the Wisconsin border, on Powers Lake. Grandma and Grandpa came with us, and Aunt S and Uncle J joined for a couple days at the end of the week.

We did lots of fishing, swimming, canoeing:

Teddy had the kids' first unintentional dive in - he tripped on his feet on the dock. But he had a life jacket on, and I jumped after and pulled him out before he had time to register anything more than anger that his toy boat was floating away (I got the boat, too):

We drove into Lake Geneva one day for a round of mini-golf:

And on a rainy day, we drove over to Kenosha and checked out the trams and the dinosaur museum: