Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christmas, 2009

So Christmas was, um, almost a month ago. Many photos were taken, a turkey was smoked, and approximately a gazillion presents were opened.

Unfortunately we had a bit of the bubonic plague the week before the holiday. (Ok, fine, it was just some random virus that gave Spencer 48 hours of throwing up, then Teddy a good solid week of fever-plus-no-will-to-live-itis, followed by red eyes, then finally Lizzie and me a quick few days of the same. Fun was had by all.) So poor Ted wasn't quite at his best for the festivities, but he made enough of a recovery to enjoy stockings and such.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit, so Spencer helped Grandma make some pancakes.

This unfortunate "winter" thing continued - the silver lining is that Spencer and Grandpa could build a (diminutive) snowman. Bonus: he's still almost the same height, several weeks later!

I've heard that some people do something called "baking" for the holidays - Grandma brought sugar cookies with and Spencer helped decorate. He was enthusiastic in adding sprinkles, but wanted us to remove them before he ate the cookies. And, at least the first day, he only licked the frosting off - no need to dilute it with a cookie, thanks!

Lizzie discovered climbing just in time for the holidays. And look! Someone put these handy colorful stools just below the tree she'd like to pull down!

Teddy had mostly recovered by Christmas Eve, happily. The sweaters, incidentally, are an extremely fun (handmade!) gift from Grandma.

Spencer helped set the table! He didn't eat anything, however. Ah, well. There's always next year.


Teddy found the cookies that Santa didn't finish. Yes, he was feeling better just in time for Christmas.

It's Slinky! It's Slinky! for fun, and love, and Joy!
It's Slinky! It's Slinky! It's fun for a girl and a boy...

Important to get your look just right for Christmas day.

Ta Da! (Another sweater from Grandma! One that has been worn pretty regularly since Christmas.) The bunny hand puppet has been quite a hit - I'm not sure why, but all 3 kids crack up whenever we make the bunny sing or talk.

Who invited the Irish warrior guy? Good thing he's appeased by a Guinness.

Spencer plays Connect-4 with Grandpa.

Yes, it looked like Christmas exploded in the living room.