Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Rice cereal
Well, I'm not sure that the rice cereal/milk combo that SA tried this evening counts as solid exactly, but it was all pretty new regardless. All things considered, he took to the new food delivery system pretty well - he waited with an enthusiastic open mouth between bites, though I can't swear it all didn't dribble back out and down his chin.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Solid foods?
When SA was about 3 months old, he slept through the night for the first time. We were thrilled - he continued to sleep 9-12 hours every night through a road trip to visit R's family and my sister's wedding, which made for a great little vacationer.
But a month later, he started waking up to eat in the middle of the night - one night in three for a while, then every other night, and now he wakes up every night. I assume this is because he's grown to need more food than he did (though I went back to work around the same time, so I suppose that could be related).
At his 4-month appointment, the doctor recommended waiting until he was close to 6 months old before starting solids. But after a solid week of being awake from 3-4, and often not getting back to sleep until it's time to get up, I'm considering advancing the schedule. He's a big eater - he goes through 16 ounces of milk while I'm away for the day, then eats at least 3 times while I'm home (90th percentile for height and weight - not a child who misses meals. Yes, he's related to his parents.) And solids might help him sleep at night, plus reduce the pressure on me to pump my breasts umpteen times a day, which is getting a bit cumbersome.
Of course, the books suggest that solids don't help babies sleep through the night. But anecdotal evidence seems pretty uniform to me - and it seems logical. If he wakes up in the middle of the night and he's hungry, he won't be able to get back to sleep - and breast milk digests so quickly that he'll likely be hungry. In any case, no one suggests that a little rice cereal will be harmful to a 5-month-old.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Jumpin' and swingin'
SA loves his "Jumperoo" - he loves to be vertical and rest weight on his feet. He rests most of his weight on his right foot, which is sort of strange, but I assume it will even out eventually.
He's almost too big for his swing now! When he was first born, he looked so tiny in it that I was scared to leave him there, but eventually it became clear that the "neglect-o-matic" was a place he felt happy and comfortable and (yay!) sleepy, which often allowed his mother half an hour at a time for luxuries like eating, using the bathroom, and the like.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Go Sox!!!
Back in August, when the little guy was 2 1/2 months old, he saw his first game. Jon Garland pitched, and Paul Konerko hit a 2-run homer, but to no avail - they eventually lost 7-3 to the Blue Jays.
After the Cubs collapsed a few years back, I swore I wouldn't get emotionally involved in another one of these, and yet here I am. St Louis or Houston, bring 'em on!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Introducing SA
So, I let this lapse a bit. But R points out that this is a reasonable way to pass photos to various people who might be interested. These are my favorites of recent photos; he's around 4 1/2 months old in them. The basset sweater, incidentally, was made for us by a friend - details on its construction at