Thursday, May 17, 2012

Winter 2012

Winter 2012 was the mildest I remember in Chicago - I'm not complaining.  Makes me rethink my whole opposition to global warming.  (Standard caveat that this is a joke, I know actual climate change is more complicated than that, yada yada yada...)

So anyway, there was January golf.

And January biking.

And, um, yard hockey?  At least the hockey part is season-appropriate.

And a little snow, lest we forget where we live.

Lizzie tried to combine activities and ride her bike in the snow.  Didn't work.

But by February, the snow as gone.  We went to the forest preserve and had a nature walk or two.

And tried to give up napping, with the predictable result around dinner time.

I went to the twins' classroom for Valentine's Day - lovely to see how they act when they're out in the world.  I don't think they usually play together that much, but when I was around they both wanted to show me everything.

And we met up with our corporate sponsor.  (Um, not that the sponsorship has resulted in anything yet.  You know.  Like french fries, even.)  I love how Teddy ran away from the freaky clown guy, only to end up in the background of my picture anyway.


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