Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Glorious spring arrived in Chicago last week! Ever since, SA has been trying to make his escape - whenever a door is opened, he makes a beeline for it.

Other news items, such as they are:

  • SA's eighth tooth made its appearance today - I'm hoping we'll get a break for a while after this one.
  • Lots of climbing and crawling and exploring every corner of the house.
  • After 3 weeks of the sniffles, and a cough that became not so mild, we took SA into the doctor last week. So he's on antibiotics for the third time, and feeling much better.
  • We go to a "Wiggleworms" class every Monday - a singing "class" for 6-12 month-olds run by the Chicago School of Folk Music (rigid curriculum of the classics, naturally.) My little guy is usually the highest energy baby there - I'm constantly chasing him around the room. This week he was more social than usual; he crawled up to the other 3 babies and batted at them or their rattles, and he actually crawled into the lap of one of the other women there briefly.

SA pops out to wish his aunt a happy birthday!


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